Monday, November 24, 2008

Helping publishers tighten their belts

The current economic downturn poses tough challenges for the publishing industry. Many reactions have started coming in: staff cuts, slashed budgets, web-only deliveries (see Christian Science Monitor and PC Mag) and a host of fixes that will hopefully provide answers for publishers to tide over the bad times. All this has led to a huge amount of concern on what will work and how one can sustain and innovate in the current environment.

iPublishCentral, Impelsys, Produt, Widget, Publishing

iPublishCentral answers some of these challenges by focusing totally on the need for a low-cost and low-risk solution that reduces the cost for publishers to market their content. Here are the top reasons why iPublishCentral should be looked at by publishers and marketing managers when planning their marketing strategies for the current environment.

  1. Our Software as a Service (SaaS) model ensures that capital expenditure plans are converted to revenue expenditure - taking away the need for up-front investments in installations, operations, support, maintenance and training. A Level 4 SaaS architecture and scalable infrastructure takes care of operational needs like software upgrades, server space and bandwidth usage.

  2. iPublishCentral offers an entirely self-service workflow for creating Book Widgets and page previews (as ViewInside) to market titles online. Our fully automated content workflow and ready-to-go functionality offer zero-conversion costs and quicker time to market.

  3. Our pricing model starts at free, through an advertisement/affiliate driven Basic model. In our Pro model, publishers only pay for what they use, on a per-title per-month pricing model.

  4. Publishers can switch between the free and paid model as and when they choose for individual titles. This ensures absolute control on the spend with no pre-commitments on the number of titles that a publisher needs to put on iPublishCentral.

  5. As there are no hidden costs, publishers need to only commit for a specific, all inclusive and defined monthly charge that is declared up-front. Publisher can also pull-out titles anytime they want without worrying about complex lock-in periods and contracts.

November 20th, 2008 by Ulhas Anand